Once you know how to implement a user authentication, it can be a bit tiring to do all the steps - to create the models, views, controllers, validations…, especially knowing that there is a gem that can do that for you. So Devise can handle all the user authentication as a whole. In only a few steps, the gem will create everything for you and you will just to customise it a little.
The MenuCMS is a small application using Sinatra framework and offers to help small restaurant teams to submit menus ideas and choose a menu to publish to the restaurant webpage.
The project I will be working on is a small CMS to help small restaurants to manage their menus. The application will allow a restaurant team to submit menus ideas and select the one that is going to be published on the website. Each menu is composed of several meals. Therefore:
Active Record is a Ruby library that provides an Object relational Mapping (ORM). Columns are accessed by methods, and integrates SQL queries in its available pre-made methods. It also provides methods for the four basic functions create, read, update and delete (CRUD). The main object of Active Record is to “map” the table columns to the corresponding object attributes of your database. It is called a design pattern.