Alice's tech diary

Journey towards web development

Command Line Interface cheatsheet


  • CLI: Command Line Interface
  • GUI: Graphical User Interface

How I used `send` to call on an object's attribute

The CLI project I was working on is an application where the user is given 3 options, giving back 3 different formatted outputs but using one method. I didn’t want to hard code 3 methods so I had to think about a solution to get the user input to reflect the method parameters. The only way to do that was by using the send method.

CLI gem project: optimising and refactoring

I “finished” my project around 7 days before the project delivery due date: the application was working, the navigation was defined, the text of each interface was carefully worded.

Refactoring with modules in Ruby

Each new step in the learning of Ruby seems more interesting than the other but also more confusing. To keep in mind the structure of an optimised object oriented model, I tried to keep notes on these confusing concepts. In the Intro to Modules Lab, I noticed I made mistakes essentially related to a lack of organisation while writing my code. I kept forgetting about adding the required relative path, about adding the extend or include keyword to refer to the module…

From administrative assistant to web developer

Joining the Flatiron School a few days ago is the logic continuation of my coding journey. I began this journey a few years ago, when I wanted to own and develop a blog about ethical fashion, but found myself spending more time styling the CSS sheet than actually writing content.